Monday, July 10, 2006

Happy Birthday!!

The National Zoo's baby panda Tai Shan (nee, and heretofore referred to as, Butterstick) turned 1!!

Okay, fine. This has nothing to do with beauty.

But look how CUTE he is!!! And as a good Washingtonian, I cannot allow this event to go by without remarking upon it.

B'Stick got some sweet birthday swag, including a wading pool and a giant fruitsicle made from fruit juice, yams, carrots and apples. (He skipped the cake given to the crowd. Too many empty carbs.)

If you are a total sucker for that sweet baby panda face like me, there are lots of pictures, videos and articles available here at the Washington Post.

Screw China! There is no way we are giving him back. So what if it causes World War III?

photo courtesy of the

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